Sunday, December 21, 2008

Siddhartha and the kids at the funeral

I went to a memorial service for the mother of a friend of ours today.  As the service was going on a couple of kids were fussing near us.  Little people making little people sounds dont really bother me but I have a low threshold for kids whos parents believe they can pack enough stuff to keep their little ones entertained only to find they have failed.

As members of Mary Margarets family shared memories of her life and the lessons they had learned from her I found myself reflecting on Hermann Hesses Siddhartha.  The story tells of Siddharthas journey from boyhood to a man of wisdom.  Siddharthas life was made of many phases and facets.  It was the combination of these  dissimilar pieces that made Siddhartha a wise man.  The rememberances of Mary Margarets life were varied and she clearly touched different people in different ways.  It was only through listening to these many stories I began to get a glimps of Mary Margaret and how she touched the generations that follow her.

As I listened I also wondered about the fussing kids.  I got the sense their parents hoped they wouldnt notice this situation was different from others in their little lives.  There appeared to be an expectation  the kids could get by without knowing this was a time to be still and to listen.  The special person Mary Margaret was and Siddharthas wisdom were a convergance of listening, learning, joy, sadness, challenges and gifts.  I found myself wondering if the cocoons we get ourselves into through the entertainment bag at the funeral, personal entertainment systems, audio devices, cell phones, etc. will support or eliminate that convergance.



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