Saturday, February 21, 2009

Not watering the wok

I made fried rice for supper last night.  After the meal I cleaned the wok I had used with salt and a paper towel.  


I had “rescued” this wok about thirty years ago from a closet.  My Dad’s girlfriend thought the only way to clean any cooking tools was with soap and water.  She had let the steel wok deteriorate into a rusted mess.  As I recall I found a couple of very nice cast iron frying pans at the same time.


After many hours of working the wok with steel wool I was able to clear the rust and have a smooth cooking surface.  I seasoned the wok with oil and have never used soap on it.  A few years ago I decided to take things one step further and stop using water on the wok.    


As I cleaned the wok I wondered if it was worth the effort to keep it clean. As I rubbed the salt into the wok I realized there was more to this process than just getting organic material off a cooking surface.  In asking myself if it was worth the effort I was asking myself if the meal was good enough to justify the work it took to clean up after consuming it.  It was.   I was also aware that by using the wok I had made it better than it was before I started.  I was also aware the time I spend doing simple tasks well is rarely wasted time.



Dan Lococo

Facilitation, planning, analysis


Affinity By Design, LLC




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