Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Marquette University disrupts morning prayers

Each morning I try to take a little time out to pray the Rosary. I find the prayers allow me to take a step back before getting into the activities of my day. Today, I found my prayers were disturbed by thoughts about Marquette University's decision to rescind its offer to hire a Seattle University professor as Arts and Sciences dean.
Various reports identify the reason for rescinding the job offer as being related to the professor's writings on marriage and gender issues, but unrelated to the fact Jodi O'Brien  is a lesbian. This is a plausible explanation as Marquette University very likely employs the same proportion of gays and lesbians as occur in the general population (about 10%). Unfortunately, the questionable writings have not been identified so there is no reason, other than the fact the professor is a lesbian, to believe she would not serve the university and the community well in the position she was hired to do. I suspect Fr. Paul Hartmann  more accurately described the problem when he said "My greatest that the important decision to be made in this moment will instead dichotomize university from Church and reason from faith," The intriguing idea here is that of dichotomizing reason from faith.
While it is often much simpler to keep reason and faith separate  both are often strengthened by the presence of the other. If the decision to rescind the job offer to professor O'Brien has nothing to do with her sexual orientation or political pressures it seems more likely there are fears the professor's power of reason may overwhelm the university's Catholic identity. This seems highly unlikely in a 131 year old institution.
I consider myself a person of faith and a person of reason. Why do I pray the Rosary most mornings? It is a part of my faith. I frequently question my faith but I rarely change my beliefs as a result of being exposed to others who are different from me.  

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Economic Hit Men in Louisiana

While eating lunch yesterday, I tuned into one of the many talk shows which focus on things angry white men can get behind. The host was taking a call from a woman in Louisiana who warned about the dangers associated with elimination of oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
The woman explained that oil drilling must continue or the State of Louisiana would be in a worse financial situation than California is in. The caller contended that Louisiana relies so heavily on oil revenues as a funding source the state would be unable to fund operations if oil money were cut off. My first reaction to these statements was: "Who got you onto that plan?" The talk show host had different ideas and began a long monologue on how poorly  the Obama administration is running the country.
It later occurred to me the talk show topic was a page right out of the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2005, ISBN 1576753018, 9781576753019). In the book Perkins tells of a U.S. foreign policy which creates an economic dependency on the United States while providing great wealth to U.S. corporations. The parallels between Perkins book and the caller's assertions were very close. Louisiana may very well be in a position where its people and representatives can't afford to do what might well be in their own best interest.